HYNDBURN residents could soon sort recycling into just two containers if a trial is successful.

Hyndburn Council leader Peter Britcliffe revealed plans as he rapped a report wrongly claiming the borough uses seven.

Coun Britcliffe said the Taxpayers Alliance report was incorrect as households have either four or five.

They include blue boxes for glass, a white sack for paper, a blue sack for cans and plastic bottles, a bin or refuse sacks for general waste with some using a green bin for garden waste.

Coun Britcliffe said: “We have collected material separately since the scheme started in 2003, because it was the most cost effective way”.

However, a new trial could see paper and cardboard mixed in one side of recycling trucks with, cans and plastics in the other.

The trial would reduce the number of containers across the borough if it is successful.