RUBBISH was on the lips of everyone in the town centre this week. Bin collections were delayed because of the treacherous weather conditions between Christmas and New Year, and homes throughout the area were left bulging with overflowing bins and bags.

Even those who took the trouble to take their excess to the Slag Lane tip found long queues had formed, so impatient drivers dumped their loads in the car park -- yet again.

Following numerous complaints the council arranged for special vans to clear the area of binbags last weekend.

On Friday as I drove along Kirkhall Lane it looked as if families had had a festive beano with bags piled high awaiting collection.

Sad to say the area was also strewn with escaped litter up to Briar Grove.

I wonder who will shift that.

But surely . . . better there be delays than loss of life through sliding dustwagons.