LINDSEY Campbell (Your Letters, Mar 6) completely missed the point of my previous letter.

While it is very touching that she writes to defend her dad (Councillor Wayne Campbell) the thought of getting involved with the local political scene fills me with dread!

I don't doubt for a minute that there are a great many people who are very dedicated councillors, who move heaven and earth for the people they were elected to represent on the council. My guess is that these councillors are less vocal and less image-conscious and don't need to pose for a photo saying: Hey folks, aren't we clever. We've just graduated from the Leadership academy!

Young people who take up politics are the exception rather than the rule. Like me, they are put off by the hot air that radiates from the corridors of power and is reported in the Bury Times on a weekly basis.

If these councillors have indeed enhanced their skills, as Lindsey Campbell suggests at the end of her letter, why did they not use them and put pen to paper themselves?

Perhaps that module is in the forthcoming sequel: Leadership Academy, Improving your writing skills. Time will tell.