COLLEAGUES of a well-known Brierfield-based doctor have paid tribute to her life after a seven-month battle with cancer.

Dr Ursula Hutchinson was 46 when she died on October 29 after serving the patients of Brierfield, Nelson and Pendleside for 16 years.

Work colleagues have told how the genial doctor will be remembered for the sincere and caring qualities that she offered to all of her patients. She died peacefully at Pendleside Hospice, Reedley, after discovering she had cancer in March this year.

Her funeral and burial was held yesterday in Ireland, with earlier services held at St Philips the Apostle's Church, in Slade Lane, Padiham.

Born in Ireland, she qualified as a doctor in 1981, her early training being in Ireland before she moved to Manchester to carry out her general practice training in 1986.

In 1987, she joined Dr Michael Ions and Dr David Webborn in a general practice partnership in Brierfield - now known as Pendle View Health Centre.

On behalf of general practice she was the area representative of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Dr Ions paid tribute to a dearly missed colleague and said: "General practice was not a job but a vocation, her patient's needs were always paramount leading to missed lunches, evening and weekend visits even when not on duty.

"Her knowledge and skill were a benchmark for excellence."

In 2002 Doctor Hutchinson initiated with the help of the Primary Care Trust after gaining a diploma in dermatology from the University of Cardiff. Dr Ions added: "Even in the short time it ran before her untimely illness in March 2003 it provided a service high in patient regard and satisfaction.

"As a friend and colleague she was a delight to work with. Remembered for her kindness and humour, she never shirked from the high level of work required.

"Friends, colleagues and patients will miss a very special woman but the greater grief will be that of her husband Roger Halls and her family in Ireland. Our thoughts are with them at this time."

On behalf of Pendle View Health Centre staff at the practice would like to thank patients and friends for their cards and kind words at this sad time. The family have requested that any donations should be forwarded to Christie Hospital NHS Trust, c/o Prof Hawkins, Department of Medical Oncology, Christie Hospital, Manchester M20 4BX.