IN Jack Straw's article in your paper (March 17) he talks about the need to bring closure on matters concerning the Balkans war and that those with "blood on their hands" should be brought to account for their actions. Never more has such a true word been spoken. But people in glass parliaments should not throw stones Mr Straw.

If this is what he is insisting on before the states of the former Yugoslavia can be members of the EU, why has be not put himself, Tony Blair and Geoff Hoon before the war crimes tribunal as they are responsible for an illegal war in Iraq?

International law states that you cannot just invade a country, dispose it's leader just because you do not like the way he does things (or because he won't give you and your American friends all his oil).

Remember the case for war on WMD, none have ever been found and Mr Straw and the Prime Minister knew this before the war. This government has taken this country into more armed conflicts and wars than any other before it. And Mr Straw has been a party to it all. There is more "blood on the hands" on this government than any other in living history.

He is insisting on the former Yugoslav states guarantee human rights and democracy in their respective countries. I was just wondering when this guarantee would be extended to the United Kingdom, as he and the government are slowly eroding outs, no right to jury trials in some cases (just wait until they extend this across the board to all trials), ID cards, on the spot fines, therefore no need for trials any more.

It is time for him, Tony Blair and the rest of their ilk to do now.

JACOB LONG, Whalley Road, Clayton-le-Moors.