RICHARD Davies from 10th Cubs has finally received his Bronze Award.

Well done Richard, sorry you had to wait for so long. He is still waiting for his Moving On award from the Beaver section (see what you can do Nichola, please!)

The 10th Radcliffe Cubs went on a sponsored walk to Heaton Park last weekend. They left New Jerusalem Church at 9am on Sunday and walked up Stand Lane towards Whitefield and then on to Heaton Park.

Once there, they sampled many craft bases including clay modelling and peg monster making. They all had a splendid time, enjoyed a packed lunch and the weather was great too. Having walked their little socks off on the way, Akela Ann let them catch the tram back to Radcliffe station and then home with mums and dads.

Last week was the first time our 100 Club lottery was drawn, the winning numbers were as follows; 60 (£25); 14 (£15) and 24 (£10). Well done to the winners. If you have not yet subscribed to our 100 Club but would like to, then please ask you group leaders for a registration form. You've got to be in it to win it.

The second of the training weekends was held at Middleton HQ last weekend. This puts the participants half way through their course and well on their way to becoming warranted leaders. Don't forget to get your modules validated through the appointed Training Advisors (John, Mark and June). The third weekend will be a residential camp at Ashworth Valley, in June.

Have a very Happy Easter everyone and enjoy the break leaders!