NEWCHURCH WI have celebrated their 46th birthday.

At the anniversary party in Newchurch Parish Hall they had an appropriate speaker, Elaine Burridge, whose subject was "Gift Wrapping With a Difference".

The competition for a folded serviette was won by Irene Bromilow with runners-up Joan Ellison and Olive Lee.Winner of the Denman Bursary was Sylvia Brown and the Fair Trade promotional coffee morning was very successful.

Next month will be the Beanstalk Appeal (making £10 grow) with a cake stall and circle of coins around the hall.

Diary dates include the unveiling of the newly restored parish map in the village library on March 31 a monthly walk in the Anderton lift area with a pub lunch.

The next meeting is on April 13 at 7.30pm when the talk will be "Images of Childhood". New members are welcome, further details from Jean Riley 01925 762722.