A Burnley nursery where children are encouraged to be independent has been rated good on its first inspection by Ofsted.

Happy Faces Childcare, in Venice Street, part of the West End community centre, was registered with Ofsted in September 2021 and underwent its first inspection in December.

A report into the nursery’s first inspection was published on January 16 and found it to be good in all areas.

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The report said: “Children are welcomed warmly be staff on arrival for their day at nursery.

"They know where to hang their coats and they quickly begin to explore the stimulating environment. All children find something they are interested in that meets their individual needs.

“Staff help children to be independent as much as possible. For example, they are encouraged to put on their own hats and gloves, and they butter their own toast at snack time.

“Children are encouraged to spend time concentrating during activities and use their problem-solving skills.

“Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported extremely well. They spend time interacting with sensory resources and play alongside the people they have close bonds to.

“Children are well-behaved, caring, and helpful. They help to tidy up and follow instructions with ease and positive attitudes.”

To improve, inspectors noted that, on occasion, the most able children were not given enough opportunities to extend and develop their learning further.

As well, strategies to engage all parents in their children’s continuing development are not always effective, meaning some parents are not always aware of why it is important to promote learning at home or how to do this successfully.

The report continued: “Staff help prepare children for their next stages in learning, such as school, when they are developmentally ready.

"They encourage children to ‘have a go’ at completing tasks and build their self-esteem.

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“Children’s communication and language is very well supported. Staff use clear spoken words and model conversation skills.

"Non-verbal children are supported to communicate through hand gestures and eye contact.”

Inspectors also noted safeguarding arrangements for the nursery were effective.

Happy Faces employs four members of childcare staff and has room for up to 28 children aged between two and four.

Due to receiving a good rating, the next inspection will be somewhere within the next six years.