A primary school where pupils “arrive each day full of smiles” has retained its Outstanding Ofsted rating.

Holly Grove School in Burnley Campus, Barden Lane, Burnley was assessed in June of this year and remained Outstanding having first been given the rating in 2014.

Inspectors noted how happy pupils were each day to arrive at school and how they were warmly greeted by staff.

They also saw how determined leaders were to ensure every child at the school achieved their best, and the pupils met the high expectations set of them.

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The report said: “Holly Grove School is full of joy. Pupils arrive each day full of smiles and excitement for the day ahead.

"They are greeted warmly by the kind, caring staff. Exceptionally close, friendly relationships between staff, pupils, and their parents and carers mean this is a happy place to be. Pupils feel safe and loved.

“Leaders are determined that every pupil at the school will flourish. Pupils meet leaders’ high expectations of their behaviour and achievement.

"Skilled staff ensure pupils’ varying special educational needs and/or disabilities are well catered for.

“Pupils benefit from a wealth of opportunities to develop their independence, confidence, and self-esteem.

"For example, pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2 spoke with pleasure about their residential trips. They take part in orienteering, caving, and climbing as part of a visit to the Lake District.”

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The report continued by saying there is an “ambitious and engaging” curriculum in place which meets the wide variety of needs the pupils have.

Staff spend the time to get to know pupils and their families which ensures they settle in quickly.

The report continued: “Leaders work closely with a range of professionals to ensure pupils’ full range of needs are met. For example, occupational therapists, specialist teachers, and physiotherapists work with school staff to provide support precisely matched to pupils’ needs.”

Inspectors also noted the safeguarding measures in place at the school are effective, and leaders work closely with staff, pupils, and parents to keep pupils safe.