Controversial proposals to create £12 million leisure centre at Wilsons Playing Fields in Clayton-le-Moors to replace the swimming pool at Mercer Hall will be debated on Wednesday.

The scheme has been recommended for approval by Hyndburn Council's planning committee despite 114 objections.

The proposal for the new sports and leisure complex, which would replace swimming provision in Great Harwood, caused uproar in the township and has been strongly opposed by its Labour councillors.

In April, a special committee of Hyndburn Council confirmed the controversial decision and rejected a call to modernise the swimming pool in Mercer Hall or replace it with an alternative in Great Harwood.

Now councillors will debate the detail of the planning application by Hyndburn Council for the demolition of the existing clubhouse and construction of a new leisure centre at Wilsons Playing Fields, Clayton Hall Drive.

The site is currently home to Hyndburn Athletics Club, football teams and Accrington Wildcats rugby league club.

A planning officer's report to Wednesday's meeting says: "The 7.6 hectare site comprises at present a single storey clubhouse which consists of changing facilities, club room, kitchen and groundsman’s garage.

"The wider site consists of an athletics track, a rugby league pitch and five football pitches.

"Planning permission is sought for the demolition of the existing clubhouse and the development of a new leisure centre at the north-west corner of the site off Clayton Hall Drive.

"The proposed building would accommodate a 25 metre four lane pool, indoor and outdoor changing facilities, a plant room, fitness suite, offices and store rooms, community rooms and a café and reception area.

"Letters of representation have been received from 114 individual households/addresses objecting to the application."

The report says the objections include a call to refurbish the Mercer Hall pool, the lack of proper consideration of other sites, traffic congestion, inadequate parking, a detrimental effect on protected 'Green Belt' countryside and trees, risks of pollution and flooding and that the scheme is a 'waste of public money' not wanted by residents.

It reveals initial objections to the scheme by Sport England, Lancashire County Council as lead local flood authority and Hyndburn Council's ecology officer have been withdrawn after negotiations about its detail.

The report says the new complex would would create 16 new jobs and five jobs for existing Hyndburn Leisure staff.

It concludes: "The proposed development would provide a significant boost to the quality and accessibility of sport and leisure provision in the borough, particularly for residents to the north of the M65.

"There is a recognised shortage of facilities in Hyndburn, in particular a water deficit as recognised by Swim England.

"There is an acute local health and well-being need for this facility in Hyndburn.

"Taking into account the benefits, it is considered that ‘very special circumstances’ exist that clearly outweigh the identified harm to the openness of the Green Belt."

Labour's Cllr Colin McKenzie, who represents Great Harwood's Overton ward, said: "I hope that this application will be rejected by the committee. It is very poor and is being rushed through.

"It will damage the Green Belt. The council needs to go back to the drawing board about sports and swimming provision in Hyndburn."