A primary school which sits ‘in the heart of the community’ has been praised by an inspectorate.

Ofsted visited Lower Darwen Primary School, in Milking Lane, in March, handing it a rating of ‘good’.

Ofsted inspectors noted how all pupils are happy to go to school each day and feel well supported well by their teachers and other staff.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils and expect the best of their behaviour.

The report said: “Pupils value the rewards that they receive for positive behaviour. They are keen to do their best, and take pride in their work.

“Pupils behave calmly and courteously at social times.”

It added how pupils are eager to ‘help each other’ in both learning and at playtime and enjoy opportunities to represent the school.

Bullying is dealt with effectively and when appropriate, staff support pupils to resolve any friendship issues that may arise.

Inspectors said in general, leaders have thought ‘carefully about how pupils’ learning in each subject builds on what they already know, from the early years through to Year 6’.

The report adds: “However, in a few subjects, leaders are not as clear about the building blocks of knowledge that pupils should learn.

“In these subjects, teachers are less confident to design learning that supports pupils to build securely on their prior knowledge.”

Pupils with SEND are identified at the ‘earliest possible stage’ and are well supported in all aspects of school life, including competitive sports.

The report said: “Leaders’ personal development programme is designed to ensure that pupils develop self-belief, determination, integrity, courage, leadership and entrepreneurship.

“For example, pupils have been supported to set up their own businesses to raise money for charity.

“Pupils understand, and firmly believe in, the importance of respecting individual differences and beliefs without discrimination.

“They have a strong understanding of fundamental British values and how these help to shape our modern society.”

The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.