Please forgive me if I don’t LMAO (I am sure there is actually a letter missing there somewhere).

This has to be in my opinion nearly as bad as those people who say ‘OK’ in a text or an e-mail when there is no need too.

This is an addiction, I’m afraid. We need to text something as a confirmation that one’s message has been received.

I’m sorry but I don’t really need your confirmation. I know I have sent the text – you telling me ‘OK’ and forcing me check my phone again is not going to make any difference whatsoever.

The problem is, we have become obsessed with wanting some sort of closure on things. We need an excuse to use our devices even when there is no need.

Much of the chatter on the digital highway is nonsense. It is ‘pick-up some bread’ or ‘make sure you drop this off’.

The fewer reasons there are for one to pull out one’s phone, the better.

Sadly, this is not the case for most people. ‘OK’ is good in conversation but should be banned in texts and e-mails. If you are going to send an ‘OK text’, please try to make it into a sentence.

I also hate having to respond to a text that requires me to reply ‘OK’.

The reason I have not responded to your text is because it was not an emergency. No life was being threatened and you should already know I am dealing with it.

One friend of mine took offence that I had not responded with an ‘OK’. We spoke only ten minutes earlier and I had promised to deal with his request.

A follow-up text was not needed and I felt that I was being coerced into sending this.

It became a ‘I didn’t get an OK out of you’ scenario. He repeatedly sent the text.

Eventually, I simply I rang him up to tell him I was not sending a text as I didn’t need to. If he wanted a friend to text nonsense to, I suggest he find himself a woman.