IF my calculations are correct by the time you read this there will indeed be that thing snow on the ground.

Now, having been warned in advance we can expect the same panic that normally ensues when we have some bad weather.

Bad weather tends to bring out the best in us.

The only problem I have had this week is this constant reminder that ‘It’s a bit cold innit?’ This term must be banned for next few days alongside ‘Have you seen the snow?’ No it is not just a bit cold...it is very cold and yes I would have seen the snow by now.

One thing puzzles me though. How do some people walk around the streets wearing nothing but a shirt?

I saw several people this week who didn’t seem bothered how chilly it was? They were sauntering along as if it was 20 degrees outside.

Not content with telling us that it cold, we have a media obsessed with reminding us that the cold will last for another month.

I think this whole panic has much to do with January. Yes, it is mildly depressing in the first few weeks of the New Year.

When I was a smoker it was around about now I would break my new year’s resolution and find the nearest Kashmiri to tax a cigarette off.

You can also expect to see several snow pictures on your social networking sites. Not, a lover of Facebook I do realise there are people who would rather converse through there than real life.

I have never posted a single thing on Facebook. Well, not intentionally anyway but I may post a picture of driveway for those too lazy to get off the sofa and take a look out of the window.

Regardless of how much it snows today I would just like to say there is nothing finer than being stuck in Darwen when it snows.

I got delayed some years ago and I have to say when it snows Darwen folk become a lot friendlier. Not that they are miserable for the rest of the year but I think Darweners handle things like this better than neighbouring towns.

Then again my calculations could be wrong like last time.