SO-CALLED ‘man flu’ is a thing made up by women to make them feel better about themselves.

When I was ill, never did I once lie down and say that I was ‘dying’.

I know there are men who do this but, on the whole, most of the fellows I know would rather carry on regardless.

There is a stubbornness in most people, I know. They would rather spread those germs to a thousand people rather than stay home for a few days.

Okay, that sounds a little selfish but at least no one will say anything about you having to be off work because of ‘man flu’.

Yes, I must admit I have met some of the so-called ‘men’ who at the first sign of the sniffle decide to curl up in a bed. These are the same men who want to be carried off a football pitch because their shin pad got dislodged or they got mud on their shorts.

But I sense most men decide to play ‘man flu’ card do because they want an excuse not to do any household chores.

We just need an excuse not to be bothered over things like taking the bins out and going shopping.

The best excuses are those where is no comeback and feigning illness is one of them.

Women then take this as a sign of their weakness. This term ‘man flu’ is then used at any point a bloke says he isn’t feeling well.

This can be quite troublesome for some of us who have tried our best to battle through the sickness.

It can be really problematic for those people who carry on regardless and then having done so for many days are told they are simply putting it on.

It is the women who tend to be suffering from this horrible affliction. I am not sure if this makes sense but I feel it is women who suffer from ‘man flu’.

Yes, that makes complete sense.

Women suffer from ‘man flu’ more than the men do.